Meet the team behind ESRA

Dedicated to creating a respected, regulated space for the safe and ethical use of ethnobotanicals in the UK.


We care about sustainable and environmentally conscious practices in this space.


We care about cultural sensitivity and respect towards indigenous traditions 

Ayahuasca Ceremony Safety


We care about empowering and promoting the wellbeing of ceremony participants

Farrah Al-Jarrah

Farrah Al-Jarrah is a criminal defence solicitor and sound healer who has fearlessly advocated for the ethnobotanical and psychedelic community for over two decades. With extensive experience representing those caught in the legal crosshairs of these misunderstood practices, Farrah brings expertise in navigating the complex criminal justice system. As a pioneering member of the 2015 coalition exploring regulated ceremonial use of ethnobotanicals in the UK, her vision and legal acumen were instrumental in shaping ESRA’s mission. Farrah’s unique fusion of legal expertise and holistic healing encapsulates ESRA’s commitment to protecting the sanctity of ancient traditions while upholding rigorous ethics and safety protocols. As a co-founder and director, her powerful voice echoes ESRA’s call to create a respected, regulated space where ethnobotanicals can be accessed sustainably for healing and growth.

Rob Coulson

Rob Coulson is a pioneering psychedelic integration therapist, musician, DJ and respected voice within the UK ethnobotanical community. With over 20 years of experience guiding thousands to integrate their transformative journeys, his compassionate wisdom was instrumental in co-founding the Ethnobotanical Safety and Research Alliance (ESRA) alongside his influential work within the festival scene. Rob’s more than 20-year immersion in these sacred practices has garnered deep insight that he brings to ESRA’s mission of creating a respected and regulated space where ethnobotanicals like ayahuasca can be sustainably and ethically explored for well-being, spiritual growth and aid a returning back to the roots and culture of our land. As a co-founder and director, his leadership ushers in a new era prioritizing the safety and empowerment of all participants while honouring the ancient roots of these ethnobotanicals.

ESRA’s vision is supported by a council of highly experienced facilitators. This dedicated team has volunteered their time and wisdom, deeply believing in the necessity of this organisation. These respected elders form the heart of our movement. When you donate, you invest in a powerful vision held by pioneering guides catalysing positive change.

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ESRA aims to launch our services once funds are in place. Building a sustainable base of monthly donors is essential in helping us reach this goal. Your donations are vital for enabling ESRA to commence this crucial work. Consider becoming a monthly donor at whatever level is possible for you, even modest amounts like £3 or more a month will go a long way.
ESR Alliance CIC Lloyds Bank Account Number: 43123963 Sort Code: 30-99-50
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