About ESRA

The Ethnobotanical Safety and Research Alliance

Our Origins

In 2015, a team of pioneering individuals in the UK, guided by the insights of ICEERS, came together to explore how the ceremonial use of ethnobotanicals could be properly regulated and protected. This group organised meetings that brought together experienced ceremonial guides, legal experts, and ICEERS representatives to address growing concerns.

Over the years, a number of practitioners faced arrests and allegations related to their work with ethnobotanicals. Simultaneously, an increasing number of untrained facilitators began offering ceremonies, heightening risks, and creating more instances of trauma for participants. Established practitioners recognised an urgent need for action.

It became clear that a unified movement was necessary to cultivate ethical guidelines, education, and a framework to legitimise this powerful work in the UK. From these seeds of vision, the Ethnobotanical Safety and Research Alliance (ESRA) took form and was officially registered as a Community Interest Company in 2024.

ESRA represents the collective commitment to honour the ancient traditions and more modern practices of  these ethnobotanicals while establishing protocols that ensure their sacred use can be continued safely, sustainably and with integrity for generations to come.

Training & Education

We provide training & educational materials on screening, preparation, and integration in line with ICEERS

Facilitator & Participant Support

We provide support for facilitators and participants across the UK via an ESRA helpline

Fundraising & Research

We conduct research into the impacts of ceremonial practices to inform our educational program and contribute to the better understanding of safe practice

Our Aims

  • To provide training & educational materials on screening, preparation, and integration in line with ICEERS
  • To develop codes of conduct/ethics to ensure safety and better practice 
  • To provide free legal guidance for practitioners arrested for offences involving the ceremonial use of ethnobotanicals within the UK
  • To provide support for facilitators and participants via an ESRA helpline
  • To facilitate the collaboration of ethnobotanical communities within the UK
  • To conduct research into the impacts of ceremonial practices to inform our educational program and contribute to the better understanding of safe practices
  • To advocate within the UK for research and ceremonial clinical trials with a range of ethnobotanicals like ayahuasca, peyote, and iboga
  • To subsidise integration services for people on low income ensuring no one is left feeling unsupported due to lack of funds
  • To facilitate mediation amongst users and providers within the community
  • To educate on the sustainable, ethical, and reverent use of ethnobotanical plants, fungi and animals to preserve their availability for future generations
  • To hire dedicated staff to operationalise our programs
  • To fundraise to support the ongoing work of ESRA 

What Are Ethnobotanicals?

Ethnobotanicals are psychoactive plants, fungi, and animals such as bufo alvaris and kambô,  that have been used ceremonially by indigenous cultures for centuries. While modern science is only recently studying their therapeutic potential, these natural medicines have deep roots in traditional practices for promoting well-being. Ethnobotanicals have shown remarkable promise for mental health, personal growth, and spiritual exploration when used responsibly with proper guidance. Their use can help revive ancient wisdom and initiate positive personal and community transformation when integrated with modern ethical guidelines.

Disclaimer: ESRA does not promote the use of ethnobotanicals within the UK or abroad and is not involved in the importation, sale, possession, or distribution of Ethnobotanicals. Many Ethnobotanicals are governed by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016. The guidance offered here is to promote safety within the UK communities. The information we provide is intended for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical or legal advice. 
All content contained on or available through our website is for information purposes only. Opinions offered constitute our judgement and are subject to change without notice.

You are donating to : ESRA SPONSORSHIP

ESRA aims to launch our services once funds are in place. Building a sustainable base of monthly donors is essential in helping us reach this goal. Your donations are vital for enabling ESRA to commence this crucial work. Consider becoming a monthly donor at whatever level is possible for you, even modest amounts like £3 or more a month will go a long way.
ESR Alliance CIC Lloyds Bank Account Number: 43123963 Sort Code: 30-99-50
Alternatively, one time donations are also gratefully accepted. You can donate using the paypal below
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