and Research Alliance
Ethnobotanical Safety

Our Mission

The Ethnobotanical Safety and Research Alliance (ESRA) is a not-for-profit, UK Community Interest Company dedicated to creating a respected, regulated space for the safe and ethical use of ethnobotanicals like ayahuasca, psilocybin fungi, iboga, peyote, and san pedro cacti along with bufo alvaris and kambô.
Our mission is to provide an educational platform for harm reduction in the ethnobotanical UK communities, and to ensure the safe, ethical, and sustainable use of these ethnobotanicals. 

We are affiliated and in alignment with the International Centre for Ethnobotanical Education, Research & Service (ICEERS)

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Our Values and Guiding Principles

At ESRA, we are committed to...
Ceremony participant safety

Empowering Participants

Empowering and promoting the wellbeing of ceremony participants

Protecting ceremony practices

Protecting Practices

Protecting the sanctity of ceremonial practices

Ceremony Safety protocols

safety protocols

Promoting evidence-based safety protocols

Cultural sensitivity

environmentally conscious

Sustainable and environmentally conscious practices

Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity and respect towards indigenous traditions

Ethical conduct

ethical conduct

Upholding ethical conduct and professionalism

Our Vision

ESRA envisions a future where the ceremonial use of ethnobotanicals is respected, regulated, and available in controlled settings to those who can benefit. We aim to protect practitioners, participants, and communities through education, ethical guidelines, research, legal support, and integration therapy.

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Help keep our community safe! Donate & support us.

ESRA aims to launch our services once funds are in place. Building a sustainable base of monthly donors is essential in helping us reach this goal. Your donations are vital for enabling ESRA to commence this crucial work. Consider becoming a monthly donor at whatever level is possible for you, even modest amounts like £3 or more a month will go a long way. Alternatively, one time donations are also gratefully accepted.

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You are donating to : ESRA SPONSORSHIP

ESRA aims to launch our services once funds are in place. Building a sustainable base of monthly donors is essential in helping us reach this goal. Your donations are vital for enabling ESRA to commence this crucial work. Consider becoming a monthly donor at whatever level is possible for you, even modest amounts like £3 or more a month will go a long way.
ESR Alliance CIC Lloyds Bank Account Number: 43123963 Sort Code: 30-99-50
Alternatively, one time donations are also gratefully accepted. You can donate using the paypal below
£10 £25 £50
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